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human gene therapy

Established in 1990, HGT provides a prestigious forum for publishing scientific and clinical research, including ethical, legal, regulatory, social, and commercial issues, which enables the advancement and progress of therapeutic procedures leading to improved patient outcomes, and ultimately, to curing diseases.

 HGT is published 12 times per year, including sections on Methods (product testing and development) and Clinical Development (regulatory review, toxicology and commercial development). The journal also publishes a wide range of reviews, commentaries and editorials.

Access for members

DGGT members can access the Journal via the member website, and we encourage members to recommend Human Gene Therapy to their library or institution to facilitate collaboration with colleagues.

The Journal welcomes your manuscript submissions. All accepted papers are published online ahead of print.

Latest Impact Factor: * 5.695
*2020 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2020)
CiteScore™:  7.7

Sekretariat der DG-GT e.V.
Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie
Hildegard Büning
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover

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© 2021 Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gentherapie e.V.

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