Paper of the Quarter Submission Form
Please submit your application via the form below.
If you are unable to use the form, please email us at dggt.office@dg-gt.de.
* In order to submit the form, all questions must be answered.
6. Upload your paper
7. Select the date of the online publication (this must be within the quarter you are applying for)
8. Provide a statement of the relevance of your paper in GERMAN (up to 1200 characters, including spaces)
Please check your form entries. You will not be able to make edits to your submission once the form has been submitted.
By submitting this application, you are agreeing to the Paper of the Quarter data policy.
If you require technical support for this online form please contact us at info@dg-gt.de

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You will be redirected to a page summarising your paper submission shortly.
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